Edition 57: ZZZZZzzzZZZZZZzzzZzzzzzz…

Exhaustion is acceptable.

I am tired. 

Three words that are nearly impossible for me to say. A week or so ago, I was with my #50WomenCan sisters and we were updating each other on our lives and action plans. It was all bragging until one of us said it.

Then we all admitted it. We are tired. Very tired. It is tiring trying to be superwoman, pretending to have it all and with grace, too. I’m coming out of a low period where I should be very excited for all the things that are happening in 2020, but all I feel is exhaustion. Being a leader is tiring. Leading takes a certain amount of brain energy, but also emotional, *soul* energy that we don’t often admit to anyone, much less ourselves.

Being a leader is eternally giving away your Legos, and being poised and prepared every time a bomb is thrown you way. We take care of those around and below us. Sometimes we even take care of those above us. Oh yes, and our families and friends, too.

It is a lot.

So this edition is me giving you permission to say how tired you are. Or how sad those layoffs made you. It is OK. We are human. You don’t have to say this to anyone but yourself. Or hit reply and tell me. We can be tired together.


Go to the doctor! Or dentist!

Spend all of your FSA money before the year ends, please.

Reading // Highlighting // Subscribing // Eating

Reading //
Famous Men Who Never Lived, a dystopian refugee story that is familiar in many ways

Three sentences I highlighted this month //
(concept inspired by this great newsletter)
If you push for innovation and come up with ideas, this will be scrutinised intently, because of course despite your success there has to be something that you haven’t considered 

You know yourself mostly by your thoughts. Everyone else in the world knows you only by your actions. Remember this when you feel misunderstood. You have to do or say something for others to know how you feel.

In addition to his prison cell conversations with law enforcement officials, Mr. Little has drawn dozens of detailed portraits of his victims, sketching them in chalk pastels.

Subscribing to //
Dollar Scholar, one of the better newsletters I’ve found on getting my financial life together

Eating //
Pollo Fundido, which I just discovered. Mini chicken burritos smothered in cream sauce and cheese? Yes.

Jobs jobs jobs

I do this to learn out loud and share with others. I don’t get paid for it, but I will take a free coffee if you’d like to buy me one.